Page:The cotton kingdom (Volume 2).djvu/398

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Character of the people.—"By industry and economy, they manage to supply their wants, which, however, are few. Many rely a great deal on game. * * * As far as temperance is concerned, they are behind the times. Whiskey has its votaries. Those who have attempted to show the citizens the folly and ill consequences of intemperance have been insulted and threatened. Even ministers of our holy religion have publicly denounced the motives and efforts of those who have attempted to form temperance societies." Religion.—"The most numerous [sects] are the Anti-Missionary [hard shell?] Baptists." Ten church edifices; average value, $145. No Sunday school or other public libraries. Tatnall County.

Population.—Whites, 2,000; slaves, 600. Average amount of property to each white family, $901. Capital invested in trade, 4,200. COAST COUNTIES. *ductive, to prevent the settlement of poor whites near their negroes, as one in this county informed me). According to the census returns, there were eight schools (one to twenty-five square miles) of all kinds, with an average of twelve pupils each. Total expenditure for each school, $38 per annum. Character of the people.—No remarks. Religion.—The county contains eleven church edifices; average value, $500. No Sunday school or other public libraries. Liberty County.

Population.—Whites, 2,000; slaves, 6,000. Average amount of property to each white family, $6,330.

State tax to each white family, $10.

Capital invested in trade, $3,850.