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Henry Holt & Co.

Romain Rolland, "Jean-Christophe."

Richard G. Badger (Poet Lore) Andreyev, "King Hunger." Gorky, "A Night's Lodging." Mrs. Arthur Upson Poems by Arthur Upson. New York Times

Elsa Barker, "Breshkovskaya."

Collier's Weekly

Herman Hagedorn, "Fifth Avenue, 1915."

Poetry: A Magazine of Verse

F. Kiper Frank, "A Girl Strike Leader."


Max Eastman, "To a Bourgeois Litterateur."

Walter Scott Publishing Co.

(P. P. Simmons Co., New York)

Joseph Skipsey, "Mother Wept." Jethro Bithell's translation of Verhaeren in "Contemporary Belgian Poetry" and of Dehmel in "Contemporary German Poetry." Rimbaud's "Waifs and Strays" in "Contemporary French Poetry."

Elkin Mathews & Co.

William H. Davies, "Songs of Joy."

Constable & Co.

Harold Monro, "Impressions."

Duckworth & Co.

Hilaire Belloc, "The Rebel."