Page:The cry for justice - an anthology of the literature of social protest. - (IA cryforjusticea00sinc).pdf/824

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        Rise, ere the dawn be risen;
          Come, and be all souls fed;
        From field and street and prison
          Come, for the feast is spread;
Live, for the truth is living; wake, for night is dead.

The Duties of Man

By Giuseppe Mazzini

(Italian patriot and statesman, 1805-1872; the deliverer of his country here urges the deliverance of mankind)

We improve with the improvement of Humanity; nor without the improvement of the whole can you hope that your own moral and material conditions will improve. Generally speaking, you cannot, even if you would, separate your life from that of Humanity; you live in it, by it, for it. Your souls, with the exception of the very few men of exceptional power, cannot free themselves from the influence of the elements amid which they exist, just as the body, however robust its constitution, cannot escape from the effects of corrupt air around it. How many of you have the strength of mind to bring up your sons to be wholly truthful, knowing that you are sending them forth to persecution in a country where tyrants and spies bid them conceal or deny two-thirds of their real opinions? How many of you resolve to educate them to despise wealth in a society where gold is the only power which obtains honors, influence, and respect, where indeed it is the only protection from the tyranny and insults of the powerful and their agents? Who is there among you who in pure love