Page:The earth turns south (IA earthturnssouth00wood).pdf/137

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New spokes, hinges at different angles, new sockets,
And whirl it off once more?

"I think God sits and spins His wheels,
Hoping to find the perfect way. . . .
Knowing He never will:
Spinning with restless nebulæ and vagrant comets,
And the streaming shine of the Milky Way.
It will whirl down, some day.

"He tried vast changes on earth:
Warm seas, gross lizards and dragons in the air,
Rending and raging beasts;
The spokes now brown-skinned men,
Now Greek and Roman conquerors,
Now gold-hungry men of the north. . . .
He lets men tinker and potter with wheels,
Vague human brotherhoods, visions of warless earth,
Bodiless wheels-within-wheels of thought,
Drifting far out of space and time and things. . . .
Look! The wheel spins on;