Page:The earth turns south (IA earthturnssouth00wood).pdf/151

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They woke into plants, rooted, receptive,
Stretched into buoyant cleavers of the sea,
Darters through the sky,
And the more sensitive marvel, man:
All only your rocks alive, erect,
Your restless substance moving
Into a fiercer restlessness.


The Primal Goads

Man is spawned of the restlessness of things.
He drinks, into body and mind,
The rocks, the rooted plants, the stirring animals,
Even his fellow men;
And at the same time he is absorbed by them.

He drives restlessly over earth's surface
Whipped by the primal goads—hunger, and love:
Hunger, that he may grow in stature,
Love, the itching call and response to other beings,
That two restless circling things
May unite, grow inert, grow restful forever.

Out of hunger have come vast fields and factories,
And belts of steel to bind the girth of the world;