Page:The earth turns south (IA earthturnssouth00wood).pdf/153

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Lashed by these restless whips
Man even spans the threshold of the unspannable void,
Or clouds it with his wraith-like deities.

At last his calloused back is lashed no more.
He loses that fine crystallization,
Dissolves in the clear solution death,
And again is one with restless rock and soil.


The Crystal Life

Is life no more than this?
This flogged steed, pulling and twisting the unwieldy chariot of matter
With the coiling lashes of love and hunger
Sealing the naked back, and caking the uneven way
With its blackened blood?

Life is more than this, or any words.
Out of its simple seeds grows strange vegetation,
Sparse in the desert places, and upon the volatile sea,
Crowding and furring heavily the spots called cities.