Page:The earth turns south (IA earthturnssouth00wood).pdf/60

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The bended neck sloped downward from the head
Like some arched flower's stem, into a cloak
Of mellow white, just of his peplum's hue.
He leaned to kiss the nymph,—the image broke,
A shivering thing that rippled out of view.
He drew away—again the face returned,
The loveliest features that he yet had seen;
He panted for the naiad, his arms burned
To clasp the cager love, who seemed to lean
With wide, taut arms and all-inviting face
As if to drag him down to the embrace.

He gazed around—no spiers. Then he flung
His creamy peplum on a low-grown limb,
Stripped down his sandals, and slipped off and hung
His chiton where it made a screen for him.
He poised, a supple javelin, above
The grassy margin,—and he saw the nymph
Poise in the pool below, beckoning his love
Into the pleasant depths of the still lymph.
A leap, and he was one with pool and lover;