Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/139

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¶ The xvij fable is of the Ant and of the ſygale

IT is good to purueye hym ſelf in the ſomer ſeaſon of ſuche thynges / wherof he ſhalle myſter and have nede in wynter ſeaſon / As thow mayſt ſee by this preſent fable / Of the ſygalle / whiche in the wynter tyme went and demaunded of the ant ſomme of her Corne for to ete /  ¶ And thenne the ant ſayd to the ſygall / what haſt thow done al the ſomer laſt paſſed / And the ſygalle anſuerd / I haue ſonge /  ¶ And after ſayd the ante to her / Of my corne ſhallt not thou none haue / And yf thow haſt ſonge alle the ſomer / danſe now in wynter /  ¶ And therfore there is one tyme for to doo ſome labour and werk / And one tyme for to haue reſt / For he that werketh not ne doth no good / ſhal haue ofte at his teeth grete cold and lacke at his nede /