Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/237

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¶ The v fable is of the frogge and of the Foxe

NOne ought to auaunce hym ſelf to doo that whiche he he[errata 1] can not doo / As hit appiereth of a frogge / whiche ſomtyme yſſued or came oute of a dyche / the whiche preſumed to haue lepte vpon a hyghe montayne / And whanne ſhe was vpon the mountayne / ſhe ſayd to other beeſtes / I am a mayſtreſſe in medecyn / and canne gyue remedy to al manere of ſekenes by myn arte / and ſubtylyte / and ſhalle rendre and brynge yow vp ageyne in good helthe / wherof ſome byleued her /  And thenne the Foxe whiche perceyued the folyſſhe byleue of the beeſles / beganne to lawhe / and ſayd to them / poure beeſtes / how may this fowle and venemous beeſt whiche is ſeke and pale of colour render and gyue to yow helthe / For the leche whiche wylle hele ſomme other / ought fyrſte to hele hym ſelf / For many one counterſayteth the leche / whiche can not a word of the ſcyence of medecyne / from the whiche god preſerue and kepe vs

  1. Correction: he he should be amended to he: detail