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long been obvious to all serious students of Hungarian politics; and yet it has still not penetrated the minds of some of those who are loudest in their denunciation of Germany to-day. It cannot be too often repeated that this is not merely a German War; it is emphatically a Magyar War also. None know this better than the Cezchs and the Slovaks.

Bohemia is called upon in the near future to play a great part as intermediary between Russia and Britain. As the most advanced and cultured of all the Slav nations, she can present to Russia the ideas of the West in suitable Slavonic garb. As an ardent and sympathetic admirer of Russia and Russian ideas, she may well become to us a door upon the Slavonic world. There will be room in the new Europe of which we dream for an independent Bohemia, industrious, progressive, and peaceful, a Bohemia which will have rescued its Slovak kinsmen from the intolerable yoke of the Magyar oligarchy, but which will carefully avoid the Magyar example and give the fullest freedom to its own German minorities. The day has not yet arrived, but it will most assuredly come, if victory crowns the arms of the Allies. In the words of Bismarck, “Bohemia is a fortress created by God Himself.” But she must become the fortress, not of Reaction, but of Liberty.