Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/109

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CHAP. in. 21. INTRODUCTION. 95 Thronium 1 more than half that number. That a torrent of water gushed forth taking three directions, one to Scarphe and Thro- nium, another to Thermopylae, and a third to the plains of Daphnus in Phocis. That the springs of [many] rivers were for several days dried up ; that the course of the Sperchius 2 was changed, thus rendering navigable what formerly were high- ways ; that the Boagrius 3 flowed through another channel; that many parts of Alope, Cynus, and Opus were injured, 4 and the castle of CEum. which commands the latter city, en- tirely overturned. That part of the wall of Elateia 5 was thrown down ; and that at Alponus, 6 during the celebration of the games in honour of Ceres, twenty-five maidens, who had mounted a tower to enjoy the show exhibited in the port, were precipitated into the sea by the falling of the tower. They also record that a large fissure was made [by the water] through the midst of the island of Atalanta, 7 opposite Eubrea, 8 sufficient for ships to sail in ; that the course of the channel was in places as broad as twenty stadia between the plains ; and that a trireme being raised [thereby] out of the docks, was carried over the walls. 21. Those who desire to instil into us that more perfect free- dom from [ignorant] wonder, which Democritus and all other philosophers so highly extol, should add the changes which have been produced by the migrations of various tribes : we should thus be inspired with courage, steadiness, and composure. For instance, the Western Iberians, 9 removed to the regions beyond the Euxine and Colchis, being separated from Arme- 1 A town close to Scarpheia ; its ruins are said to be still visible at Palaio Kastro. 2 Now Agriomela or Ellada, a river descending from Mount (Eta, and emptying itself into the Bay of Zeitoun. 3 A torrent near Thronium ; its present name is Boagrio. 4 Three cities of the Opuntian Locrians ; Cynus, the port of Opus, is now called Kyno. 5 One of the principal cities of Phocis, near the river Cephissus ; a little village called Leuta stands on the ancient site. 6 Probably the Alpene in Locris mentioned by Herodotus. 7 The modern Talanta. 8 Egripo. 9 The Western Iberians are the people who inhabited Spain, and were said to have removed into Eastern Iberia, a country situated in the centre of the isthmus which separates the Euxine from the Caspian Sea. The district is now called Carduel, and is a region of Georgia.