Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/371

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n. v. c. iv. $ 1, 2. ITALY. PICENUM. 357 CHAPTER IV. 1. AFTER having commenced with the nations about the Alps, and the Apennine mountains which are near to these, we proceeded from thence and passed through that portion of the hither country lying between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Apennine mountains, which incline towards the Adriatic, as far as the Samnites and the Campani. We will now return again, and describe the mountaineers, and those who dwell at the foot of the mountains ; whether on the coast of the Adriatic, or in the interior. Thus, we must recommence from the boundaries of Keltica. 1 2. After the cities of the Ombrici, which are comprised be- tween Ariminum 2 and Ancona, comes Picenum. The Picentini proceeded originally from the land of the Sabini. A woodpecker led the way for their chieftains, and from this bird they have taken their name, it being called in their language Picus, and is regarded as sacred to Mars. They inhabit the plains extending from the mountains to the sea ; the length of their country considerably exceeds its breadth ; the soil is every where good, but better fitted for the cultivation of fruits than grain. Its breadth, from the mountains to the sea varies in different parts. But its length ; from the river ^Esis 3 to Castrum, 4 sailing round the coast, is 800 stadia. Of its cities, Ancona is of Grecian origin, having been founded by the Syracusans who fled from the tyranny of Dionysius. It is situated upon a cape, which bending round towards the north forms a har- bour ; and it abounds in wine and wheat. Near to it is the city of Auxumon, 5 at a little distance from the sea. After it are Septempeda, 6 Pneuentia, 7 Potentia, 8 and Firmum Pice- num, 9 with its port of Castellum. 10 Beyond, is the temple of Cupra, 11 built and dedicated by the Tyrrheni to Juno, who is named by them Cupra; and after it the river Tronto, 12 I Cisalpine Gaul. 2 Rimini. 3 The Fiumesino. 4 Giulia Nova. 5 Osimo. e S. Severino. 7 Probably for Pollentia, on the Chiento, opposite Urbisaglia. 8 Ruins, on the river Potenza, near to Porto di Recanati. 9 Fermo. 10 Porto di Fermo. II Near to the river Monecchia, not far from Marano. 12 Truentum.