Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 1.djvu/386

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372 STRABO. CASATJB. 250. a long period in war with the Ombrici, made a vow, common with some of the Grecian nations, that they would consecrate to the gods the productions of the year. 1 They were victorious, and accordingly of the productions, 2 the one kind were sacri- ficed, the other consecrated. However, in a time of scarcity, some one remarked, that they ought likewise to have consecrated the children. This then they did, and the chil- dren born at that period were called the sons of Mars. 3 When these had grown up to manhood, they were sent forth, a bull leading the way, to found a colony. The bull lay down to rest in a place belonging to the Opici ; a people dwelling in villages. These they drove out, and established themselves in the place. The bull, according to the direction of the di- viners, they sacrificed to Mars, who had given him to them as a leader. It seems to have been in allusion to this that their parents called them by the diminutive form of Sabelli. 4 The name of Samnites, or, as the Greeks call them, Saunites, originated in another cause. It is also said that certain Lace- daemonians came to dwell amongst them, and that this is the reason of their affection for the Greeks, and that certain of them are called Pitanatas. 5 The whole of this, however, appears to be a mere fabrication of the Tarentini, interested in flattering and conciliating to themselves a neighbouring people, so powerful as to be able, on a time, to bring into the field a force of eighty thousand foot-soldiers, and eight thou- sand cavalry. There is said to be a law amongst the Sam- nites, excellent in itself, and calculated to excite to virtue. It is not lawful for fathers to give away their daughters to whomsoever they may please ; but every year ten of the most virtuous young women, and ten of the most virtuous young men, are selected ; of these the most excellent young man is married to the most excellent young woman, the second to the second, and so on in order. Should he who re- 1 Casaubon conjectures that in place of the T<jj trei roury, we should read ry tapi TOVTW, or, the productions of the spring : and it certainly would seem that Strabo is here describing what the Latins called a vcr sacrum. An ancient historian, speaking of the occurrence mentioned by Strabo, says, " Quondam Sabini feruntur vovisse, si res communis mcli- oribus locis constitisset, se ver sacrum facturos." Sisenn. Hist. lib. iv,. ap. Non. Marcell. De doctor, indag. ed. 1683, fol. 2531. Festus, Sext. P. Fest. De verb. sign. F. ed. 1699, p. 478, seems to have mentioned the same thing. 2 The animals and fruits are intended. 3 Devoted to Mars. 4 Or little Sabines. 5 From Pitane, a place in Laconia.