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The History of
Book IV.

been only to walk before him, I have conceived a higher Notion of his Dignity, than I have felt on ſeeing him in a common Situation. But there is one Inſtance which comes exactly up to my Purpoſe. This is the Cuſtom of ſending on a Baſket-woman, who is to precede the Pomp at a Coronation, and to ſtrew the Stage with Flowers, before the great Perſonages begin their Proceſſion. The Antients would certainly have invoked the Goddeſs Flora for this Purpoſe, and it would have been no Difficulty for their Prieſts or Politicians to have perſuaded the People of the real Preſence of the Deity, though a plain Mortal had perſonated her, and performed her Office. But we have no ſuch Deſign of impoſing on our Reader, and therefore thoſe who object to the Heathen Theology, may, if they pleaſe, change our Goddeſs into the above-mentioned Basket-woman. Our Intention, in ſhort, is to introduce our Heroine with the utmoſt Solemnity in our Power, with an Elevation of Stile, and all other Circumſtances proper to raiſe the Veneration of our Reader. Indeed we would, for certain Cauſes, adviſe thoſe of our Male Readers who have any Hearts, to read no farther, were we not well aſſured, that how amiable ſoever the Picture of our Heroine will appear, as it is really a Copyfrom