Page:The history of medieval Europe.djvu/255

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THE FRANKISH STATE AND CHARLEMAGNE 215 Charlemagne's Interest in Education. Thatcher and McNeal, Source Book for Medieval History, pp. 51-57. Charlemagne's Coronation and Empire. Bryce, Holy Roman Empire, chap. v. The Coronation of Charles the Great. Duncalf and Krey, Parallel Source Problems in Medieval History, Prob- lem I. Frankish Geography. By using the index of a historical atlas locate all places mentioned in articles 1-3 on pages 28-29 in Translations and Reprints of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, vol. vi, no. 5; and indicate on an outline map the respective shares of the three sons, Louis, Pepin, and Charles. The Successors of Charlemagne. Bryce, Holy Roman Empire, chap, vi, " Carolingian and Italian Em- perors."