Page:The history of medieval Europe.djvu/737

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  • Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, 639-41, 553, 556, 567-71, 603, 615
  • Sigismund of Hapsburg, 621
  • Signorelli, 605
  • Silesia, 307, 551-52
  • Silk, 149, 383
  • Silverius, Pope, 133
  • Simon Magus, 284
  • Simon de Montfort, 445, 450
  • Simon de Montfort, son of the above, 483-84
  • Simony, 283-85, 287, 292, 471, 504, 562-63
  • Sinai, Mount, 608
  • Sion, bishop of, 542
  • Siricius, Pope, 107
  • Sirmium, 151
  • Sistine Chapel, 606-07
  • Sites of castles and towns, 247, 328-29, 337
  • Sixtus IV, Pope, 607
  • Skaldic poetry, 42
  • Skeletons, 4, 43
  • Skulls, 3, 9-10; towers of, 557
  • Slavery, ancient, 26, 31, 35-37. 63, 67; among early Germans, 43, 47, 52; among nomads, 57; invasions and, 91, 112, 123; early medieval, 155, 164; among Arabs, 172, 174-75, 178, 185, 187, 189; Slavs and slave-trade, 225, 228, 345; 233, 360, 370, 551, 557
  • Slavs, 10, 40, 87, 117, 139-40, 150-51, 153, 189, 199, 202, 216, 224-25, 228, 262-63, 305, 307, 323, 398
  • Slavonians, 314
  • Slavonic languages, Scriptures in, 152, 224
  • Sloth, Sin of, 563
  • Sluys, battle of, 513
  • Social conditions, Roman Empire, 37-38; early Germans, 43-44, 46-47; Asiatic nomads, 56-57; declining Empire, 66-68, 72-73, 77-78, 91-94; early Christians, 100, 103; German kingdoms, 123, 126; Byzantine, 132, 141, 148-49, 152-53; monasteries, 161-63; early Arabian, 172; Mohammedan, 178, 181-82, 184-89; Frankish, 212; early Norse, 217-18; manorial, 237; feudal, 249-53, 272, 325; in towns, 346-48, 357, 360, 365-66, 371; as reflected in literature, 404-06, 408, 516-17; in Germany, 616; in Spain, 631-32
  • Socialism, 616; and see Peasants' Revolts
  • Societies, 30, 35, 104, 335; learned, 590; religious, 598
  • Sociology, 5
  • Socrates, 22, 70, 382

  • Sofia, 556
  • Soil, exhaustion of, 60
  • Soissons, 90, 118, 362, 372
  • Somerset, House of, 628
  • Somme River, 88, 513, 526, 620, 626
  • Song of Roland, 200, 402-03, 415
  • Sonnet, origin of, 410, 588, 593
  • Sorbian Mark, 203
  • Sorbs, 305-06
  • Sources, historical, 2-4, 7, 20; for Roman Empire, 33, 38-39; for early Germans, 41-42; for decline of Rome, 60, 68-70, 72, 74; for Oriental cults, 64; for German invasions and kingdoms, 94, 11 8-19; Byzantine, 130, 148, 309; for Slavic settlements in the Balkan peninsula, 151; monastic, 162-63; about Mohammed, 172-73; Carolingian, 194, 198-99; for early Russia, 224; for early Balkan states, 229; for life of peasants, 237; for the year 1075, 289; for the crusades, 310-11; for the rise of towns, 327-28; about Innocent III, 434; for the Cathari, 442; for St. Francis and St. Dominic, 448, 454; for political geography of medieval France, 510; for Hundred Years War, 513; after the Black Death, 516; for Swiss confederation, 541; Venetian, 583; Florentine, 594; for artists of the Renaissance, 597-98, 606; for voyages of discovery, 609
  • South America, 610
  • Southampton, 368
  • South Seas, 189
  • Spain and the Spanish peninsula, 4, 10-11, 14-15, 19; Roman, 23, 34; 53-54, 79, 81 , 83, 86, 90-91, 96, 111; Visigothic, chap. vii, 160, 169; Byzantine, 128, 138, 150; Mohammedan, 178-80, 182-90, 198, 200, 209, 212, 223, 227; feudal, 270-73, 287; Christian expansion in, 302-05, 312, 320, 323-34; towns and trade, 327-28, 336, 358, 366; learning in, 384, 387, 389, 395; language and literature, 399, 401-02, 410; Gothic art in, 430; in the time of Innocent III, 448, 450, 453, 466; pilgrimage of Louis VII to, 492; in the later Middle Ages, 506, 522, 550, 561, 567-68, 574, 609-12, 614, 630-33
  • Spanish Inquisition, 448
  • Spanish language, 126, 399, 410
  • Spanish March, 200, 203, 213, 273
  • Sparta, 25, 79, 140
  • Speaker of House of Commons, 522
  • Spectacles, see Amphitheaters, Amusements, Circus, Eye-glasses