Page:The history of that great and renowned monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular provinces are accurately described- as also the dispositions, manners, learning, lawes, militia (IA historyofthatgre00seme).pdf/23

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Part. 1.
The History of CHINA.

This Kingdom is ſo exceeding populous, that I having lived there two and twenty years, was in no leſſe amazement at my coming away, than I was in the beginning, at the multitude of the people: certainly, the truth exceedeth all Hyperboles; not onely in the Cities, Townes, and publick places, (in ſome of which one cannot walk without great violence of thruſting and crowding;) but alſo in the High-wayes, there is as great a concourſe, as is uſually in Europe at ſome great feaſtivall, or publick meeting. And if we will referre our ſelves to the generall regiſter book, wherein only the common men are enrolled and matriculated, leaving our women, children, eunuchs, profeſſours of armes and letters, (almoſt an infinite number) there are reckoned of them to be fifty eight millions, and fifty five thouſand, one hundred and foureſcore.

The houſes, where they inhabite, are not ſo ſumptuous and laſting, as ours: yet are they more convenient for the good contrivance, and more pleaſant for their exquiſite neatneſſe. They uſe much in their houſes Charam

Their way of building

In the veſſels

As for plenty;

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