Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/12

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Vili CONTEXTS. Chapter I. — continued. His measures for dealing with it. His flank nianli, . . 63 Mentscliikott' on the cliff, ....... 63 His batteries at length coining u]i, there begins a cannonade between his .and Bosquet's artillery, ..... 64 Bosquet maintains himself, 65 Mentschikoff counter-marching, .66 Position of Bosquet on the cliff, 66 XIV. St Arnaud orders the advance of C'anrobert and Prince Na- poleon, .......... 67 The order into which the Allies now fell, .... 67 Lord Raglan's conception of the part he had to take, . . 67 Artillery contest between the Eussian and the French batteries, 68 Canrobert's advance across the river, 69 His troops arc sheltered from fire by the steepness of the hill- side, 69 Duty attaching upon the commander of the 1st Frenc h Divi- sion, .......•••. 71 General Canrobert, . 71 His dilemma, 72 The course he takes, 73 Prince Napoleon's Division, . 73 Fire sustained by the rearward ])ortiona of the French tulumns, 73 Discouragement, ......... 73 St Arnaud pushes forward his reserves, 74 The ill effect of this measure upon the French troops, . . 74 Their complaint that they were being 'massacred,' . . 74 Anxiety on account of Bosquet, 74 State of the battle at this time, 74 XV. Opportunities oflfercd to Mentschikoff. 76 The battle at this time languished, 77 Causes which had occasioned the failure of the French ojiera- tions, . . . ■ 79