Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/175

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BATTLE OF THE AI.MA. 149 • cension of Christ. BlessiiK^ and honour to liini chap. I • who conquers ' Blessing and liappiness to him 1_ ' who, with faith in God, and love for his Czar ' and country, offers up his life as a sacrifice ! It ' is written in the Scriptures, concerning those of ' olden times who fought for their country, " By ' "faith were kingdoms conquered" (Heb. xi. 33).

  • Now, by faith you too shall be conquerors. Our

' most holy father Sergius whilome blessed our ' victorious war against the enemies of Russia. ' His image was borne in your ranks in the days

  • of the Emperor Alexis, of Peter the Great, and,

' finally, in the great war against twenty nations ' in the reign of Alexander the First. That sacred ' form journeys with you also as a token of his ' fervent and beseeching prayers to God on your ' behalf. Take unto yourselves, moreover, the triumphal war-cry of the Czar and prophet ' David, "In God is my salvation and glory ! " ' * The Vladimir column came on. It moved slow- ly as though it were held in by some kind of awe or doubt. Still it moved, and without firing a shot ; for the orders were not to fire but to cliarge with the bayonet. Huge and grey, the mass crept gliding up the slope winch divided it from our soldiery. Our men, gathered round the parapet, were kneeling or lying down ; and being thus low they could not see into the dip which lay at a little distance before them ; but mounted officers, of course, could see farther, and even men on foot

  • Psalm li. 8 ; 'Eastern Papers,' part vii. p. 50.