Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/18

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xiv CONTENTS. Chapter I. — continued. Sir Colin Canii)b(;ll, 228 Campbell's answer to the suirgestion that the Guards should fall back, . . . r 233 His disposition of the Highland Bri.i^ade, .... '233 The nature of the tight now about to take place on the Kour- gan&hill, . .' 235 XXXI. 238 Trince Gortschakoff's advance with a colunni of the Vladimir corps, .......••• Apparition and voice of ' the mounted officer,' . . . 239 Manceuvre executed by the Grenadier Gnanls, . . . 239 Itsetfect, 240 The Coldstream, 241 Assailed by ordei-s to retire, .241 Its resistance, .......•• 241 The Grenadiers ami the 'Coldstream' engaged with six bat- talions in column, 242 XXXII. The stress which a line puts upon the soldiery of a column, , 242 And upon a general who has charge of columns, . . . 243 Impressions wrought upon the mind of Kvetzhiski by the Eng- lish array, 243 The sight of a battalion advancing upon his right front con- vinces him that he must move, 246 ileantime the colunnis along the redoubt are becoming dis- tressed by the fire of the Guards, 247 Continuance of the fight between the Grenadier Guards and the left Vladimir column, 249 Defeat of the left Vhulimir column, and of the left Kazan bat- talions, .....••••• 253 Kvetzinski's obliipie movement of retreat with the right Vla- dimir column, .....•■•• 254 The Duke of Cambridge is master of the Great Redoubt, . 255 Kvetziuski is wounded and disabled, 255