Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/225

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RATTLE 0]? TUK ALMA. 190 sional generals now rode forward together, having c H a P with them in all thirty iiuns.* ' ^ O ■ Moreover, the infantry of Sir Richard England's Division was following him into the Pass, and would soon bring a welcome support to Evans's three battalions.-f* But some minutes elapsed before these supports sii- uicimrd could come up ; and, by reason of what had be- dispositions /. 11 IT 1 T7- TT-11 1 for briiigins; lallen our soldiery on the Kour2;ane Hill, the support to . Evans. three battalions which Evans had with him were for some time almost alone upon the enemy's ground. Yet not utterly ; for, on the western slope of the Kourgane Hill, one English battalion — Lacy Yea, with his Royal Fusiliers — was still holding its ground, still engaged with

  • i.e., the three batteries belonging respectively to the 1st,

the 2d, and the Light Divisions, and two belonging to the 3d, Sir Richard England's Division. + Apparently Sir Richard England did not know of what had befallen the Scots Fusilier Guards in time to be able to adapt Ills measures to that event. Of course, if he had known it in time, he would have been anxious to put a literal interpreta- tion upon the order 'to support the Guards,' and would have moved a part of his force towards the cliasm which had been wrought in the centre of the brigade of Guards. I took pains to make out the exact movements of the 3d Division, but in vain ; for those who would be the most likely to know difier broadly the one from the other. By further trouble I might have dispelled this obscurity ; but the Division was not engaged to an extent greater than might be inferred from its losses (one killed and seventeen wounded), and therefore 1 have desisted from further endeavours. It may be safely said, however, that after receiving the order to support the Guards, Sir Richard lingland held his Division in hand, sending portions of it to give support where he deemed it to be needed ; and that when Pennefather's brigade crossed the river it was followed by the whole or bv the bulk of the 3d Division.