Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/139

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THE BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. 117 The Greys were led by Colonel Darby Griffith; CHaP. and the two squadron-leaders who followed him were Major Clarke on the right, and Captain Wil- JfcSgSd liains on the left. Handley, Hunter, Buchanan, qJ^s and Sutherland were the four troop-leaders of the regiment; the adjutant was Lieutenant Miller; the serre- tiles were Boyd, Nugent, and Lenox Prendergast. And. to these, though he did not then hold the Queen's commission, I add the name of John Wilson, now a cornet and the act- ing adjutant of the regiment, for he took a signal part in the fight. Besides Colonel Dalrymple White, who was The officers present in person with this moiety of his Innis- with the 2d killings, the officers who charged with this, the the innisku- 2d squadron of the regiment, were Captain Mau- ley, the leader of the squadron ; Lieutenant Eaw linson, and Lieutenant and Adjutant Weir. I believe that after General Scarlett and the three horsemen with him, who had already en- gulfed themselves in the dark sloping thicket of squadrons, the next man who rode into contact with the enemy's horse was Colonel Dalrymple colonel White, the commander of the Inniskillings, and white, then acting in person in front of his second or left-hand squadron. Straight before him he had a part of the enemy's column so far from where Scarlett went in as to be altogether new ground (if so one may speak of a human mass), whilst, by casting a glance in the direction of his right front, he could see how enormously the enemy was there outflanking him ; but he followed in