Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/14

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CONTKNTS. Chapter I. — continued. Involuntary extension of our line whilst advancing, The Russian horsemen resorting to firearms, The offieers who charged with the Greys, The officers who charged with the "2d squadron of the Innis- killiugs, ...... Colonel Dalryinple White, Major Clarke of the Greys, The charge of the three hundred, . The manoeuvres of the two Russian wings, The circumstances under which they were attempted, Lord Lucan, ...... His order to the 4th Dragoon Guards, His alleged direction to another regiment, The order of narration, .... The 4th Dragoon Guards, The Royals, The 5th Dragoon Guards, Change in the hearing of the combatants, Efforts made to rally the Greys, The order given by Scarlett to Major Conollj Hunt's squadron of the Inniskillings, The officers presenl with the squadron, . Major Shute, Captain Hunt, ..... Position of the squadron, Major Shute's order, .... The charge of Hunt's Bquadron of the Inniskillim The 4th Dragoon Guards, The breaking of the column, . Retreat of the whole hody, Attempts of our dragoons to rally, . The pursuit of the enemy by our dragoon Fire of artillery, ..... Results of the fight between the Russian cavalry and Scarlett Brigade, ...... The admiration excited by the exploil of Scarlett's Bri ( lomments upon the light, The turn cupii d by the light.