Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/205

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TIIK HAITI, K OK BALACLAVA. 183 not yet on his appointed ground.* Lord Raglan long before had been expressing his astonish- ment at not seeing Cathcart's battalion in march, and had sent messenger after messenger to en- deavour to find where he was, and to learn the CHAP. I. H A B— Jabrokritsky's infantry and artillery disposed on the slopes of the Fedioukine Hills. C D— Liprandi's infantry and artillery posted along the line of the captured Turkish redoubts, where the English guns re- mained. C— The position of the Odessa regiment. E E — The defeated Russian Cavalry, with a Cossack battery in front of them. F — Lord Cardigan's Light Cavalry Brigade. G— General Scarlett's Heavy Cavalry Brigade. H— The direction by which French and English reinforcements were approaching. J K— The North Valley.

  • It is only. I believe, too certain that the non-appearance

of Cathcart at the time expected was caused under the circum- stances stated ante, p. 67 ct seq. See also the statement above given, and the one added at p. 21 9 ct seq.