Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/215

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THE BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. 193 4 squadrons, and 14 guns, was established on the chap. slopes of the Fedioukine Hills; and Liprandi, L with his infantry and field-artillery still linger- ing upon the sites of the captured redoubts, con- tinued to protrude so far west along the chain of the Causeway Heights as to have one of his regi- ments — the regiment of Odessa — drawn up near the Arabtabia Redoubt ; * but the whole of his defeated cavalry had been withdrawn to a posi- tion so far down the North Valley as to be within less than a mile of the aqueduct, and almost a mile and a half from the ground where Lord Lucan was posted. Drawn up across the North Valley, far in rear of the foremost Russian battalions, this large but discomfited body of horse connected Liprandi's corps-army with the troops of General Jabrokritsky, but connected it only by the rear — connected it in such a way that these forces to- gether were the three sides of an oblong, and could be likened, as we saw, to the hand of a man with the two centre fingers held back and the other two fingers extended. *f" The Odessa regiment formed the tip of that lesser finger which represents the extension of Liprandi's column along the chain of the Causeway Heights. Except at their rear, the two columns thus pro- truding were divided the one from the other by the whole breadth of the North Valley ; and without straying into surmise, it can be stated any opportunity to recover the Causeway Heights. The words of the order are given ante, at p. 185.

  • The Number Three Redoubt,

ae the diagram ante, p. 183. VOL. V. K