Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/248

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226 THE BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. chap, of them, very near to the work when the fire ' which the enemy had thence been directing came all at once to an end. This change resulted, as we now know, from the retreat of the Odessa battalions ; but Cathcart still remained halted. Indeed, before long, he drew in his Riflemen, and informed the Staff Officer that he should advance no further.* Thus, from the enemy's temporary alarm on the one side, and on the other from the recusancy of Cathcart, it resulted that the Arab- tabia and the next Eedoubt beyond — that is, the one called ' Number Two ' — remained for a while unoccupied by either Russians or English. At first, as was natural, the enemy's gunners and riflemen were so far taken by surprise, as to

  • Having heard General Airey tell Cathcart that Lord Raglan

wished him to recapture the redoubts, and being under orders to remain with Sir George, the Staff Officer, somewhat later, thought it right to ask Cathcart whether he would not proceed to the No. 3 Redoubt (the Arabtabia), but Cathcart said ' No,' he would not advance further ; for, though he felt sure he could recapture all the redoubts, including even the ' Number One, ' no advantage would accrue, because the operation would cause him to lose some men, and, the position being much too ex- tended, the works would have to be evacuated after dark. He said his mind was quite made up, and that he would write to Lord Raglan. I do not find the note amongst Lord Raglan's papers. Before men condemn Lord Raglan for not bringing Cathcart to an account for his conduct on the day of Balaclava, it will be well for them to know that on the morrow — the cry time when investigation on this subject might have been other- wise going on — there came a despatch from the Home Govern- ment which was calculated to make him stay his hand. For statements respecting Cathcari and the Dormant Commission, we post, chap. iii.