Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/301

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THE BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. 279 The 11th Hussars re-formed their ranks and chap. made ready to charge ; whilst on their part the '__ Eussian horsemen brought their lances smartly down as though for an immediate attack. They did not, however, advance. Eepeating the mistake already committed that day in the face of Scar- lett's dragoons, and again under Morris's charge, they remained at a halt, awaiting the attack of our horsemen. Douglas seized the occasion thus given him, and led down his Hussars at the charging pace. For a while, the Eussians awaited him with a great steadfastness, and it seemed that, in a few moments, there must needs be a clash of arms ; but when our Hussars had charged down to within a short distance of them, the Eussians, all at once, went about and re- treated. Far on, and into the opening of the gorge which divides the aqueduct from the east- ern base of the Fedioukine Hills, the 11th moved down in pursuit. On the immediate right of the 11th Hussars, and so little in rear of them (by the time they had reached the battery) as to be separated by a distance of no more than some twenty or thirty yards, Lord George Paget was advancing with the 4th Light Dragoons. For some time this The 4th regiment had been driving through a cloud of Dragoons smoke and dust, which so dimmed the air as to hide from them all visible indications of the now portions of the Russian Hussars had been converted into Lan- cers, without undergoing a corresponding change in the official designation of the force.