Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/353

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THE BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. 331 will be gathered that, although there were in- chap dividuals of the first line who came out on the L northern side of the valley with the 4th Light Dragoons and the 11th Hussars, the number — a very small number — which could best be regarded as representing the first line was that which came out on the south of the valley with the 8th Hus- sars. It was only during the period of the ad- vance from the battery to the neighbourhood of the aqueduct, and of the movement back thence to where stood the 8th Hussars, that Colonel Mayow had, in any sense, the charge of the first line. As soon as he had joined Colonel Shewell, he was in the presence of his military superior ; and he acknowledges, apparently, that any com- mand which he had been assuming in his character of senior officer then came at once to an end. So upon the whole it results that what constituted at last the main, though diminutive remnant of the first line was extricated from the power of the enemy by Colonel Shewell of the 8th Hussars. With regard to the supports, there was no co- And who operation at the close of the combat between the onta^ force on our right and the force on our left, and they came out in two distinct bodies. The 8th Hussars on our right was brought out by Colonel Shewell, its commanding officer. On our left there were two regiments which co-operated in their retreat, and with these, Lord George Paget was the senior officer.*

  • The question whether Lord George as senior officor acquired

die command of the whole body formed by the two co-operating supports]