Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/389

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COMBAT OF TLIE 26TH OF OCTOBER. 367 CHAPTER II. COMBAT OF THE 20TH OF OCTOBEK. Though Liprandi on the 25th of October had for chap. the moment stopped short in his enterprise, he yet clung to the ground he had won ; and on the q^^. morrow of the battle, the true seat of danger was still in front of Balaclava* There, accordingly, we shall soon find Lord Eaglan determining how best he might baffle the 24,000 troops thus threatening his port of supply ; but meanwhile, and to divert attention from Liprandi, the Rus- sians directed an attack upon the north-eastern part of the Chersonese. Owing to the signal and conspicuous defeats Effect of the inflicted upon Liprandi's masses of cavalry by bataeupoi the spirit ct Scarlett's and Lord Cardigan's horsemen, the Liprandi's force : yesterday's battle upon the whole was calculated to humiliate his troops ; and it is probable that their dispirited condition was the cause of his

  • This follows from what we now know — viz., that the move-

ment against Evans was made to divert attention from Liprandi -Torlleben, p. 404.