Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/424

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402 APPENDIX. sure, is perfectly accurate ; and I trust that he, no less than General Griffith himself, will be satisfied with the correction I have been careful to make. With respect to the passage beginning ' Mr Kinglake ' does not seem, &c.,' I would refer Dr Brush to my narra- tive of the Heavy Cavalry charge as given ante. Further than is there indicated, the information I have received does not enable me to adopt Dr Brush's impression. NOTE It Explanatory Statements laid befoiie Mk Kinglakb by Lord Ldoan. The circumstances under which the forces advancing from the Baidar direction were suffered to occupy Kamara and establish Batteries on the neighbouring heights f It was not possible for Sir Colin Campbell to prevent the enemy establishing themselves on the heights com- manding Kamara. It was very far from his base, and would have required a strong force of infantry and artil- lery. We had been obliged to discontinue patrolling tin's; pass a full week before the 25th October, and the enemy were occupying Tchorgoun village and heights between that village and Kamara. Tin- 1 1 rounds on 'which if was judged right for our cavalry to avoid attacking Hie forces which assailed the Turkish Redoubts ? Lord Raglan not having acted on the communication Bent to him the day previous by Sir Colin Campbell and myself informing him of the approach of a considerahlr Russian army, ami Leaving us altogether Avithout support*