Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 5.djvu/437

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APPENDIX. 415 which is enclosed. The steady gallantry of the young sepoys of the Bundelkund Legion, emulating that of the older troops employed on the occasion, has been alike creditable to them and to their commandant and other European officers. His Honour is requested to cause these sentiments to be communicated, through the Agent in Bun- delkund, to Captain Beatson, and to the other officers and troops engaged in the service. Extract of Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Slee- man, February 9, 1844. — In conclusion, I beg to offer to you, and the officers and soldiers under your command, my best thanks for the services you have rendered in re- covering possession of the forts and strongholds which had been taken by the insurgents from the Gwalior troops. March 9, 1845. — Honourable mention in despatch from Major -General Sir C. Napier, G.C.B., to the Eight Honourable the Governor- General of India in Council. From the Secretary to Government of India, July 22, 1848. — Approbation of the efficient manner in which Brigadier Beatson performed the duty entrusted to him — that of taking possession of the Jagheer and Fort of Rhymow ; and ridding the district of the Rohillahs after settling their claims. Inscription on a sword presented after the Bundelkund Legion was broken up : — To Major W. S. Beatson, late Commandant-in-Chief of the Bundelkund Legion, from his friends of the Legion, in token of their admiration of him as a soldier, and their esteem for him as an individual. — 1850. From General Sir Charles Napier, G.C.B., Commander- in-Chief in India, September 26, 1850. — Speaking of Beatson as ' one who did right good service when under ' my command, which I have neither forgotten, nor have I ' any disposition to forget.' Extract from General Order by the Resident, on the part