Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. IX 52 54 54 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 59 59 60 61 Chapter IV. — continued. The measures taken by Brown and by the people of Kertcli, Failure of the measures taken, . . Continued disorders in Kertch, The committers of outrage, ...... Further continuance of the disorders in Kertch, Lord Raglan's indignation, ...... His approval on 31st May of Brown's measures, His completed criticism averted, ..... Sir George not blamable for omitting to repress the disorder: of the French, ........ Because virtually unable to do so, . Comment on Sir George's course of action with respect to the disorders in Kertch, ....... Friendly disposition of some of the Tartars, . Sufferings entailed on the sick and wounded Russians by the pillaging of the hospitals, ...... Letter on their behalf from Baron Wrangel, . First results of the Kertch expedition, .... The main object gained, ....... II. The Allied Admirals entering the Sea of Azof, ... 61 Captain Lyons of the Miranda then taking the command of the united flotilla, 62 Nature of the operations undertaken in the Sea of Azof, . . 62 Fate of the four surviving war-ships of the Kertch squadron, . 62 Unchallenged mastery of the Allies in the hitherto ' closed' sea, 63 Access thus obtained to the interior provinces of Russia, . 63 As, e.g. , to the country of the Don Cossacks, . . . .63 The seat of industry that Lyons disturbed, .... 64 His task not one leading to battle, ...... 64 His task against vessels found at sea, ..... 65 And those that had fled towards land, 65 26th May. Operation off the Spit of Berdiansk, ... 65 The wrecks of the four war-steamers that had escaped from Kertch, 65 27th May. Off the town of Berdiansk, 66 28 th May. Lyons engaging the port of Arabat, ... 66 Plan of summoning the authorities, . . . .66 The rejections they elicited, ....... 66 VOL. IX. b