Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/130

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100 CAPTURE OF THE TWO WHITE REDOUBTS. char Colonel Tylden, the directing Engineer officer oi ' the right attack. The English, as was their wont, hoped to do great things with small numbers; but by exerting the power he held as the officer in command of the trenches, Colonel Shirley could largely reinforce the troops first engaged, and a word from Lord Raglan (who would he present in person on the WoTonzoff Ridge) might still fur- ther add to their strength. Osman Pasha's division was plaecd in reserve near the head of the Careenage Ravine. V. At about half-past six in the evening of the 7th of June the welcome signal was given by a jet of rockets thrown up from the lofty Victoria Ridge ; and it not only summoned to action French troops in that part of the field, hut also those on Mount Inkerman, with which General I'.osquet proposed to carry the two White Redoubts. Attack and With the 4th Division (Dulae) as its reserve, thftwo ' the 3d Division (Mayran) moved forward in two toubts. ' columns; General I.avarande's brigade advancing on the Volhynia, that of Failly on the Seling- hinsk Redoubt; and, although the assailants of the Volhynia Redoubt had to cross a breadth of some 330 yards, whilst those attacking the Selinghinsk were to traverse even double that space, both the forces pushed steadily on under fire without coining once to a bait before reach- ing each its set goal. To accomplish this ad-