Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/142

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112 BOSQUET AGAIN CARRYING THE LUNETTE. chap. Bosquet did not harbour a thought of submitting

  • to this reverse. He proved equal to this new

s occasion. First ordering some 1 latteries to play ICS ' on the swiftly recaptured Lunette, lie prepared to attack it with no less than two brigades of infantry, keeping also another brigade in occu- pation of the foremost parallel, or the trenches adjacent. For a while, the artillery raged; then all at once ceased, and the two brigades of Camou's Division advanced swiftly on the Lun- ette, surrounded it on all sides, attacked it with Secondand ardour, and rapidly carried the Work. This re- captureof conquest took place at half-past seven o'clock, and the Lunette „ ...,,, by the therefore at a convenient tune, since the darkness French- before long approaching would enable the French engineers to fasten on the captured Lunette, and turn it against the garrison. n.r Maia- At this time Vice - Admiral Nachimoff and i.yTodieben (ieneral Todleben were both in the midst of to be in im- minent the ruins which cumbered, which almost had danger. silenced the cardinal Fort of Sebastopol ; and their counsels must needs have been anxious; for he who better than all men could judge such a question has said that the Malakoff for some time that evening was not only at the mercy of the French, but might even have been taken with ease.* I have no separate statement before me of the losses sustained by the French in this part of the

  • Todleben, vol. ii. pp. 323, 324.