Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/221

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of the three sailors he found either sitting or chap. VII. lying down near the ladder, he said, ' Come along, _ ' Jack, let us have that ladder to the front,' and then learnt that those who had carried it were, all of them, men killed or wounded. The rest of the sailors' division was in similar plight, there remaining not even one ladder with bearers still able to cany it. A'Court Fisher, though only a lieutenant in Duty of 'th* . . ' Engineei rank, being nevertheless, as we know, the com- 'officer. 1 manding Engineer with this force, was entitled, was even required, to consult at fit times with the Chief. And the Chief was approaching. At Approach the head of what remained of his storming party, Yea; Colonel Yea — sword in hand — came up to the verge of the Abattis ; and, addressing him, is accosted, A'Court Fisher said : ' I am the Engineer officer, ' sir ; shall I advance ? ' * In the moment that followed, Yea fell backwards shot dead. Accosting Captain Jesse of his own — the En- captain Jgssg tec gineer — corps, A'Court Fisher said : ' Well, Jesse, accosted ' ' what's to be done ? ' Before Jesse could answer, he staggered under a shot received in the head and was killed.! Then, to several others suc- cessively A'Court Fisher spoke ; but — as though his charmed life had been given him on some fell

  • Meaning of course, ' Shall the Engineers make what arrange-

' ments they can for the advance of the column ?' t Captain Jesse was not originally on duty with the Engin- eers in this part of the field, but he 'left the general officer ' to whom he was attached to see himself that the orders given 'were carried out.' — The Commanding Engineer to Lord Raglan, June 19, 1855.