Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/24

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. CONTENTS. Chapter VIT. — continued. XVIII. The attack led by General Eyre, 205 XIX sustained in the engagements of the 18th of June, . 208 XX. The high merit of the Russian defence, ..... 209 Prince GortchakofFs statements, 210 XXI. Pelissier's explanations, ........ 211 The real cause of his failure. . . . . . . .211 Todleben's comments', . . 213 XXII. Costliness of General Eyre's victory in proportion to the advan- tages gained, ......... 215 CHAPTER VIII. SEBASTOPOL AFTER TUE ENGAGEMENT. — GENERAL TUDLEBEN WOUNDED. — HIS DEFENCE OF SEBASTOPOL. I. The veil between warring armies, ...... 216 Between Sebastopol and its besiegers, 216 The garrison. Its achievement, ...... 217 Its actual state of feeling towards the close of the engagement, 217 The Czar's infantry in grave need of encouragement, . . 219 Whence apparently the fabrication of the 18th of June. . . 219 Thanksgivings, ....••••• 220 Just right of the garrison to indulge in self-gratulatiou, . . 220 II. Todleben wounded, ...... . 221 And removed from Sebastopol. ...... 221 The part he still took, 221