Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/29

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CONTENTS. XXV APPENDIX. NOTES TO CHAPTER L 1. Allies of the Sultan, 2. Feared to displease, 307 307 NOTES TO CHAPTER II. 1. Once more recaptured the "Work, 2. By first reducing the MalakofF, . 307 308 NOTES TO CHAPTER III. 1. Investing the place, . 2. With scorn, and with victory. 308 308 NOTES TO CHAPTER IV. 1. Destroyed them, ..... 2. For the protection of their lives and property, 3. The piteous screaming of women, 4. Meant to defend the place, 5. That that last vessel perished, . 6. Harm to the town, .... 7. To refrain altogether from sending it, 8. His sovereign's imperious mandate. . 9. Proved able to set him aside, . 10. Protest against every such measure, . 308 309 309 309 309 309 309 310 310 310 NOTES TO CHAPTER V. 1. Havoc and ruin, . . 2. Accepted the Prince's bold story, 3. Respecting Skariatine, see Note in the Appendix. 4. Will attempt a recapture, . . . . . 5. To retake the counter-approaches, %. Had been definitively won, .... IX. 310 310 311 311 311 311