Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/353

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INDEX. 323 wards Ihc Telegraph, 205— turmoil and combat at the Ti lei raph, ' maud and i he posit Ion i f the French troopi , • opporl unity of cuttii Boi e ol i he rel 00 m's i in dei ' i" brio o i ml I he n advan e of French troo] ation of Foi i vvil h Lourmel's bri- rraj of the I mi the pi iteau, 80 ! the pos ition in ai I I ■ ring i he retreat taken up by Kiriakoff, ib. — lie moves forward lome c& airy, 803 qui as to the way in which I he rel 1 1 at should be pressed, 304 Lord lan's opinion, ib. — his difficulties « 11 ii i ho French, 805— the cloi e • I the battle, 806- the cheers which greei Lord Raglan, 807 - -the Allied armies bivouac on I lie ; i o I they have won, 808 Colonel Torrens's force comes up, ib. — continuation of the Russian 1 1 1 reat, 809 its degen eratii a di lerly flight, 810 —losses of the French, 312— of the English, ib. — of the liussians, 813. Could the attack on the position of the Alma have been avoided ? 814 — the actual cours tal en, ib. sum- mary of the battle, 815 how fai I he Allie i « ei e ent 11 led to tal e glory to i hi • ■ Ive '•! i .- E ■'!" ihoi i- comin "ii the part, of the French army, 820 effect of the ' attle i i i he pro ; ei ts of the can pa 325. The long halt on the bati le Beld, advance on the Katcha and i ! i bee, ami the flunk march, which brought the Allies to the south i oast of the Crimea, iii. chaps, ii., iii., iv., and i ., and iv. cl ap. i. Almatamacl , iii. 8, 6, v, 10, 14 etserj. — i lanrobei I 's bal tei ies at, 287. Aloushta, the French Emperor's pro- ject for assembling troops at, viii. , 247, 291, 295, 875; ix. 10, 29, 134, 186, 254. ' A in 1 1 1, nee < !i i] p ■■,' vii. 126. Anangkie, ii. 242. Anapa, ii. 266 — attack on, recom- iiirnii. d, ix. 80 attack of, peremp- ii'i llj foi bidden by Louis Napoleon, 81— i 1 ' i ...iii's determined resistance to the J >r. il i i I >i i i il :m fall of, ■' 8, I I, 264. m, ( laptain, iii. 85. Anderson, I .ieut. I last ings iv. ! Anderson, Lieut., 9i i h, ix. 120. Anderson, Miss, vii. 480 note. An ■ ly, Genei il Regnault St Jean d', ix. Ill, 168, I.V.i. a, Lord, v. ! 06.

■ ■ i : ■ i i ! i mi.; 1 1 .in : 

iv. 216. bkoff, iii. 15 note et seq., 201 m I . Annenkoff, General, iii. 885 note. Anne le , ( laptain, iii. 220 and note.

her, at the Alma, iii. i

note. Applet hwaite, iii. 157. i. 'J 10. A.i'i il bombardment , I he, iii. 188 cl seq. ipol, Aqueduct, the, vi. 109 ' : ho, viii. 257. Arabat Spit, ix. 70. Arabat, the port of, Arab Tabia, i he, ii 204 et Si q. Arabtabia redoubt . ■ et seq., 183-] i, 192 et 339. Arch, the scarlet, seen on the knoll at bat tie of the Alma, iii. 2 6. Archer, Isaac, vi. 242, 273, 275 etscj. Anient, Colonel, ii Arghine, B dat, viii. Arguimban, Mr Geor e, iv. 876 note. Armada, i he, converges on I he ci the Crimea, ii. 319— and gathers to- wards the chosen lamlin p] . —is seen from Sevastopol, iv. 61. Armada, composition of the Kertch, ix. 40. is, standing, i. 6. Armies In the East, the way in which England and France ministered to I heir, vii. 84. ong, Captain James, Brigade- Major to Adams at inl •- man, v. 375 et seq. — his communii a1 ion wit b the Duke of Cambridge, i. 1 75, I79, I! : — his stei ii and i iteci ful appeal toa French bat talion, bril limit and successful attack with the few men hi uld gather in the crisis of the batt le, 134 Ii i leadi rship at 'the Quarries' of one of the two storming - parties which carried the work, ix. 116 ei eq. dangerously wounded, yet refu i bi moi i d A i he field, and still giving firm i i . Aim troi i, note on, ix. 811. rang, I ieut Arthur, at inl man, .'11111 there ! Hied, vi. ! 9 note Armstrong, Lieut. E., at the Alma,

merely wounded, iii. 90.

Armstrong, Major James, ix. 116 Army Medical Service, the, vii. I '.. ' : 1 ray of Diversion,' the, viii. i or'.s plan n English Government s opinio: plan, 246. ' Army of Operation, 1 he Qr b,' iii. 2 IS Em] eror's plan 1 876. of 1 ipei 1 ion, the second, ' viii. 2-1 1 — Emperor's plan regarding, Army of Paris and their midnight work, i. 294.