Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/392

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362 INDEX. Persse, iii. 210. Peto, Mr, and Mr Betts, tlie contrac- tors, vii. 434, 47.0. Phillips, Lieutenant, iii. 90; v. 238, 303. Pickets of the Second Division, the arrangements under which the, were furnished at the Inkerman tunc, vi. 502. Pickets, table showing the numbers of the Second Division out on picket or skirmishing as picket supports, and computing approximately the num- ber of collected troops remaining available for the second period of the fight, vi. 513. Piquet House, the, ix. 205. Pisani, i. 53 note. Pitt, Mr, vii. 50, 52 et seq., GO, 406, 429. Places, Holy, state of the dispute re- garding the, i. 139, 142, 145. Plevna, ix. 237. Point Battery, ix. 158. Poitevin, Lieutenant, iii. 296. Poland, suggested invasion of, ii. 227. Polhis, Colonel, ix. 109. Polhill, iii. 120, 158. Popofr, vi. 89. Portal, Captain, v. 238. Post-road, the, crossing the field of battle at Inkennan, vi. 72 et seq., 84, 115, 143 et seq., 199, 227, 250, 293, 299, 303, 315 et seq., 338, 354, 355, 356, 362 et seq., 387 et seq., 410 et seq., 426, 444 et seq., 462. Powell, Colonel, vi. 300 note; vii. 4S1. Power, Mr, vii. 445 note. Powers, concord of the, papers on the, ii. 387. Powers, the representatives of the four, assembled at Constantinople, i. 174 — policy involved in the step, ib. — un- animity of the four representatives, 175 — their measures, ib. — Russia's ultimatum, 176— its rejection, 177 — concord of the, 212 — the French Emperor's scheme for superseding the action of the four, 313— treaty between the Sultan and the. ii. 122. Pozzo di Borgo, Count, ii. 224 note; iv. -17. Pravadi, ii 202. Prayer, Russian, for victory, iii. 265 and note, 266. Prendergast, Cornet, v. 117, 154. Prendergast, Dr, ix. 285, 287. Prince Consort and the Government, vii. 310. Principalities, the, i. 95. Prindiville, John, vi. 319. Prisoners, English, generous treatment of, by the Russians, v. 850— and in particular of Colonel Kelly, viii. 98 note Projectiles, weight of, in one salvo, viii. 136 note. Prokesch, Baron, at Vienna Conference, viii. 319. Prokophieir, Colonel, iv. 327. Propontis, i 303. Prussia, Kiig of, effect of personal government by the, ii. 128 — her share in causing the war, 135. Prussia, personal government in, i. 10 — foreign policy of, 34 — defection of, vii. 311, 312, 313 note — exclusion of, from Conferences, 317 and note — Lord John Russell at Court of, :',2<>. Pruth, the, passed, i. i05, 358; ii. 78, 90, 260, 262; iv. 191. Publicity, danger arising from, vii. 213. Pullen, John, vi. 273, 275 et seq. Pullen, Private, vi. 243. Quarantine Bastion, the, vi. 52. Quarantine Bay, the, iv. 55, 346 et seq.; vi. 32 note, 471 note ; ix. 17, 20. Quarantine Fort, the, ix. 143 Quarantine Sea-fort, iv. 48 et seq., 33S, 342— its defences, 346 et seq., 400, 403; vi. 63. Quarantine Station, the, at Kertch, ix. 54, 57. Quarries, the Work of the, ix. 90, 94 et seq , 99, 114, 115, 116 et seq., 170, 174, 184 et seq. Quarry Ravine, the, v. 381 et seq.; vi. 98 et seq., 113 et seq., 146 et seq., 149 note, 162, 178, 183, 1S6 et seq., 203, 216, 249, 257 et seq., 266, 275, 2S7, 291, 297 et seq., 303 et seq., 311 et seq., 338, 357 et seq., 362 et seq., 394 et seq., 426 et seq., 444 et seq., 460. Quarter-guard Point, vi. 75, 164. Queen's Speech, the, August 1853, i. 854— Jan. 31st, ii 76. Queen, the, her letter to the Duke of Newcastle on the proposed attack on Sebastopol, ii. 278, 279 — question why there was no 'Sir Herbert Taylor' to arrest the despatcli of Lord Pan- mure's outrageous words to Lord Raglan J vii. 296, 297— her Majesty's profound grief at Lord Raglan's death, ix. 288 — her message to the army, 2S9 — her private letter of con- dolence to Lady Raglan, 291. Radclille, iii. 157. Radzivill, Prince, v. 259. Raglan, Lord, commander of the British forces in the East. See vols, ii., iii., iv. , v., vi., vii., viii., and ix. Railway, the, from Balaclava, vii. 336. Rakovitch, Colonel, v. 43. Rassova, ii. 41. Rations, deficiencies in issue of, vii. 444 — of the French soldier, 430. Ravenshill, Lieutenant, iv. 175. Rawlinson, Lieutenant, v. 117. Rawlinson, Mr, vii. 391, 488 note