Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/70

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40 THE RENEWED EXPEDITION TO KERTCH. guar vasion pushed home through the Kertchine Pen- ! insula to the shores of the Sea of Azof* In the interval between the two expeditions, the Russians had mounted some guns on the Cheska Spit, and had also continued their efforts to block the way through the Straits by sinking vessels charged with explosives ; whilst also it is true on the other hand that (designing them for garrison purposes) the Allies brought with them, this time, a body of 5000 Ottoman troops, and varied by other less changes the original structure of their armada as prepared for the first expedi- tion ; but in other respects, speaking generally, the conditions attending this second advance, and any attempt to oppose it resembled those we saw operating nearly three weeks before, when — not having been yet overtaken by Canrobert's words of recall— the armada had sighted Cape Takli, and was smoothly approaching the coast. The renewed expedition embarked in the even- ing of the 22d and the morning of the 23d of May. The attendant fleets English and French were commanded, the one, by Admiral Lyons, the other, by Admiral Bruat. composi- Commanded by Sir George Brown, the land armada. ie forces of the Allies were, this time, 7000 French under the immediate command of General d'Aute- marre, 3000 English, and 5001) Turks under Red- chid Pasha (in all 15,000), having with them five

  • See especially ante, vol. viii. pp. 257-262.