Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/78

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48 THE KKNEWED EXPEDITION TO KERTCH. CHAP. [V. Miranda reachiDg the entrance of the Sea of Azof. Advance of the land forces through Kertch, of Azof. At 10 o'clock the same morning Mr Williams returned to the Miranda, and reported to his Captain that he had found and buoyed a channel of 16 feet. Captain Lyons immediately weighed, accompanied by the other vessels under his orders, and with these before long reached the goal of long expectation — the entrance of the Sea of Azof. At G o'clock in the morning of the same au- spicious day, Sir George Brown pushed forward the land forces, and marched upon Kertch, a re- markably clean well-built town of about 12,000 inhabitants. In ' ordinary column of route ' the Allied forces marched through the place, main- taining a great regularity and committing not the slightest disorder. Sir George felt it his duty to destroy an iron foundry which had cast guns and shot for the Czar ; but no other harm was done at that time in the town. It was many days later that under a strong sense of duty and with great reluctance Sir George Brown destroyed a great quantity of corn provided for the enemy's troops. The Allied troops continued their march, and by one o'clock reached Yeni Kale. There, estab- lished at the mouth of the Straits, Sir George was soon joyfully greeted by the Allied Admirals. Disorders This otherwise well-omened enterprise against Smdfha the Kertchine Peninsula was unhappily marked invasion. ^ & ^.^ whichj though hardly discerned at the time by the more Western nations of Europe, to Yeni Kale. The General and the Ad- mirals meet- ing.