Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/162

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118 THK J'.ATTLE OF INKERMAN. DUAP. VI. 1 St Period. Numbers of tlio enemy at this time engaged. His numbers. the enemy's right, from the want of any like- minded Russian commander in other parts of the field, and from an evil temptation to tarry on the strong vantage-ground of Shell Hill, but, above all, from the jets of artillery- fire plainly seen through the mist on Home Ridge, which, by warn- ing all comers against the perils of the Saddle-top Reach, set them hankering after flank movements. As supports and reserves to the batteries and the 15,000 infantry thus actively delivering the attack, the enemy had on the toplands, and, indeed, close at hand, more than sixteen additional bat- talions ; * and, altogether, the force with which he confronted Pennefather at this hour comprised about 25,000 infantry,-}- with 38 guns. Numbers available for the defence. XII. The succours destined to reach Pennefather in time for the first period of the fight were the 6 guns of Townsend's battery, and 549 men of the Light Division, making up altogether, along with his own troops, and the two pickets of the Guards already on the ground, a force of 3600 J

  • The sixteen battalions of Vladimir, Sousdal, Ouglitch, and

Boutirsk, with, besides, the half battalion of sappers. + 24,643. J 3622, viz. :— 2d Division, .... 2956 4 Companies of 77th, . . . 269 4 do. of 88th (the Rangers), 290 Prince Edward's Picket, . . 87 Goodlake's do., . 30 3622