Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/185

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THE MAIN FIGHT. 141 Thouirh now almost without ammunition,* the chap. Kangers were placed by Colonel Jeffreys ou ^^' ground near the centre of the Mikriakoff Spur, ^*'^«^'*- and Iiis men there lay down in the brushwood. taken up Thus the collateral results of the fight main- companies. tained by the wing of the 77th were of hardly ^^^^ZcL less value than those directly obtained. Other pirtlS'"' tasks, on that Inkerman day, yet awaited Eger- cifargr'^ ton's force ; but this perhaps is the place where the names of the officers engaged can best be recorded. Besides General Buller, commanding the brigade, and Glyn, his brigade -major, and Lieutenant the Hon. Hugh Clifford, his aide-de- camp, all present in person, the officers who took part in the charge executed by the wing of the 77th were — Colonel Egerton, commanding the regiment, Major Straton, Major Dixon, Captain Willis, Captain Nicholson, Lieutenant Lerapri^re, Lieutenant Acton, Adjutant Morgan, and Assist- ant-Surgeon Humphrey. XVII. The fighting thus begun by the 77th on Penne- The order father's left travelled thence by degrees along the succe^ssive whole line to his right, and any account of its progress which would follow the order of time to spike the guns with wood ; and, although by this method they disabled two of the pieces for a time, they did not prevent any of them from coming again into use. • That the Eangers had marched from camp with but little ftmmi'nition in their pouches, see ante, p. 57.