Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/238

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194 THE BATTLR OF INKERMAN. C H A P. VI. 2d Period. The Battery vacated : entered by the Russiaus : and recaptuied by Damer. Second cliarge of the Scots Fusiliers : ceaselessly fighting, and always in the very front, should soon come to the end of their cartridges. A column of Kussian infantry was advancing npon the Sandbag Battery, when the few score of Grenadier Guards then posted within it grew all at once, so impatient oi' the state of impuissance to which they had found themselves reduced by the want of a banquette, that they would no longer accept the paralysing shelter of the work, and they came out leaving it empty, not apparent- ly with a mind to retreat, but to look for a better fiohting ground. Colonel Walker, however, see- ing this abandonment of the Battery without knowing the cause, was bitterly pained, and his grief turned to rage when he saw troops detached from the enemy's advancing column rush exult- ingly into the work with triumphant hurrahs. At this monient his horse was shot under him ; but quickly regaining his feet, he sent some of his Scots Fusiliers under Dawson Damer with orders to turn the Eussians out of the Battery. Damer, instantly attacking, swept the enemy out of the work ; and during nearly the same moments Colonel Walker, with the rest of his battalion, fired a volley into the bulk of the colunm, and, charging immediately afterwards, drove it down the hillside, the enemy, this time, retreating in disorder as well as in haste. Walker following and pursuing with fire increased the confusion; but again, as before, he was overtaken by an aide-de-camp with orders to stay his advance. The order which checked him was one riglitly