Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/24

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XVIU CONTENTS. CHArxEu VI. — continued. XXII. Coiniiarison of numbers upon ;i principle which would include approachinf; troops, ....... TIk' strenr^th of the f,nound not taken advantage of by the Eng' lisli infantry, ........ Efftet of the niisl on the respective forces, Quality of the English officer when isolated with only a small body of men, ........ The English troops fasting, ...... Want of annnunition, ....... Effect of the early fire from Home Ivi'.lge, The failure of numerical strength in each separate encounter, Circumstances which marked the defeat of the twenty bat talions, ......... And impaired its moral effect, 154 155 155 156 157 157 158 158 159 159 SECOND PERIOD. 7.30 A.M. TO 8.30 A.M. I. Fresh troops and guns brought up by the enemy, . . . 160 Dannenberg's assumption of the command over both the anny corps, 160 Prince Mentschikoff and the Grand-Dukes, .... 160 Dannenberg's dispositions, ....... 161 Advance of his 10,000 fresh troops, .... 162 II. Resources of the English, 163 The neutralised part of their force, 163 One third part of the troops at Pennefather's disposal left to watch the western skirts of Jlount I nkerman, . . . 164 Continued apprehension of attacks from the west, . . . 165 As, for examjde, on the part of Pennefather, .... 165 And of Canrobert, ......... 166 His direction to the t'onnaught IJangers, .... 166 Their loyal compliance, ........ 166