Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/350

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306 THE BATTLE OF INKERMAN. UHAP. VI. 2(1 reriod. Upon the appearcance of a fresh and heavy column of Kussians the companies of the 57th were drawn back. Keeping up all the way, whilst retreating, a well-sustained fire, they re- gained the top of Home Eidge, but were this time, at its western extremity, being placed, and made to lie down behind the left part of the bend there formed by the line of the crestwork. From time to time Russian troops came up approach- ing the spot, but not at this period with any- thing like a strong purpose ; and without being gravely molested, the 57th here continued to hold its defensive position. Tlio result of the con- flicts which took jiLice (luring the Seconil Period XX. Two hours of liard fighting had passed, and the Russians were now at the close of this Second Period without having yet gained any ground in advance of Shell Hill. Far from crushing Penne- father by their huge numerical preponderance, they had failed to drive in his main picket.* After the efforts they had made, and the blood they had spent, this grievously disappointing result might at first sight appear to involve the sure failure of their enterprise. But, on the other hand, there was ample room for considerations of an opposite tendency. Ex- cept a truant body of Zouaves allured by the roar of the fight, no fresli infantry reinforcements,

  • 'The Barrier,' it should be constantly remembered, waa

aimply a picket station.