Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/359

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THE MAIN FIGHT. 315 vvay tu the left of the Post-road, there lay the chap. reumaiit of the 55th computed to number 100, '__ and next it, though so far towards the west as to ^^p^^*°^ range within the bulge of the crest-work, some 170 men under the colours of the 57th Regi- ment ; * whilst yet further again towards our left, the wing of the 47th with a strength of about 200 still held its accustomed ground. Thus what little of infantry strength General Pennefather now had on the Eidge was accumu- lated almost all on his left. The enemy's present design had taken such shape that the weight of the coming attack, if pushed home, must fall plainly on the centre of the crest, and yet there, for the moment, no infantry at all could be seen. However, the 7th L^ger with its strength of 900 was already approaching the Post-road from the right of Pennefather's camp, whilst the truant body of Zouaves was coming up from the opposite quarter, as were also the four companies of the 77th under Egerton ; f and it may be said that the Allies on the whole were awaiting their 6000 assailants with a strength of about 3000. Pennefather — still recognised as the General

  • Under the colours of the 57th there were the companies of

the 57th itself, and on its left some men of the Rifles, includ- ing Lieutenant Tryon, the officer of that name whose achieve- ment on a later day won him great distinction. + He was coming, as we saw, from the duty of guarding the Mikriakoff Glen, having been there relieved by Lord West's wing of the 21st Fusiliers. His force was now about 200 strong.