Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/380

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336 THE BATTLE OF INKERMAN. CHAP, sliniild move forward to L;rouiid on the right of the . 57th ; that it should there take its stand ; that id Period, tiie go Zouaves sht)uk] link it to the English regi- ment by taking post between the two ; and that by these united bodies of French and English the trunk of the enemy's forces should be met before reaching the crest. The heaven-sent captain of Zouaves proved able to fultil his bold promise. At his impetuous bidding the French battalion advanced, and the array desired by Pennefather was soon completed. On ground some way down in advance of the crest the 900 men of the 7th Leger formed the right and the centre of this little order of battle ; whilst the 60 Zouaves, and the 170 men under the colours of the 57th, constituted its left wing. The array showed a bend at one part, because the 170 English (who were drawn up in line) had brought their left shoulders for- ward. The 7th L^ger was still in column, but placed at deploying distance from the 60 Zouaves drawn up on its left, and ready to extend into line. In anticipation of a later moment, it may here be said that upon the near approach of the great trunk column, a staff officer* galloped up to the part of the crestwork where lay the remnant of the 55th, then from 80 to 90 strong, and asked why the force did not charge ; and that thereupon Colonel Daubeney, springing over the parapet with some 30 of the men, moved rapidly off to his

  • Captain Harding, unless I mistake, aide-de-camp to Penne-
