Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/45

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THE BATTLE OE INKEEMAN. CHAPTER I. STATE OF THE SEBASTOPOL CAMPAIGN IN THE BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER 1854. If the forces which made good their descent on cha.p. the Crimea had only at first to encounter the governor of an outlying province, they were still, ^J^,™^n'^ °^ after all, the invaders of a mighty empire, well by Illvi^nK able, in five or six weeks, to bring a great army {jJIic™'""^ against them ; and when they accepted the coun- sels which made their adventure drag on into a lengthened campaign, they prepared for them- selves a day of conflict with the gathered strength of the Czar, That day was now close at hand. Eeleased by the diplomatic errors of the Allies, and by the consequent determination of Austria, from all warlike tasks in the country of the Danube, the enemy's 4th Corps had long been moving round VOL. VI. A