Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/450

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40G THE BATTLE OF INKERMA2T. CHAP, of his men, he resolved to keep all his fresh '__ troops in reserve upon the ground about to be 5th Period, vacated by their comrades in front, and to de- Bosquet's liver an attack with the same battalions that had measures. ■, , ■, t -r. i • i t i lately been worsted. By his orders, accordingly, the Zouaves under Dubos, and the Algerines under Wimpfen, were again thrown forward on the Kitspur to assail those Selinghinsk troops which now occupied the gorge of the Sandbag Battery and the ground on its flanks. The wing of The wing of the 95th which we long ago saw the 95th in . ° . ^ c f^^ r^ St Clement's charging down into the bed ot St Clement's Gorge Gorge. Ob o was still near the ground it then reached ; and this body was for the moment cut off, because some of the enemy's forces were barring its retreat by the low ground, whilst another mass now in- terposed was blocking its leturu to the heights. These hundred men of the 95th under Vialls and Sargent and one or two other officers were pre- paring for an act of desperation and resolving to sell their lives dear, when there all at once reached them a new, foreign outburst of sound. What they heard was the cry of the Zouaves, and the howl of the African soldiery. The men of the interposed Russian column could already be seen looking round as though distracted and troubled by some peril threatening them in rear. Advance of The Zouavc battalion was advancing against the Zouave i r , n ■., , i battalion, the band bag Battery when — as though come to t'leiicli had been so deeply impressed by their late discomfiture that they candidly speak of this eudeavour of Bosquet's as 'ud ' 8U])renie ell'ort.' — Fay, p. 141.